Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Long, long Meme/Survey

I didn't read all of it before I decided to do this meme. It's probably stupid but since I am bored I will do it anyway and I will like it! So there!!


1. A Cuddler? Not really but dh is. That's kinda weird!!

2. A morning person? Not even close! I hate mornings.

3. Are you a perfectionist? Sometimes

4. An only child? No I have 7 siblings.

5. Catholic? Ummm, no.

6. In your pajamas? It's 3 in the afternoon! Of course I am in my pj's! (just kidding)

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart? No but it's kind of bruised.

8. Okay styling other people's hair? I can't even style my own hair. I do okay with my girls' hair but I have to otherwise their hair becomes very matted and so hard to comb without cutting it all off!

9. Left handed? No

10. Addicted to MySpace? No

11. Shy around the opposite gender? Not really.


12. Bite your nails? If I'm hungry. ;)

13. Get paranoid at times? Who wants to know?

14. Currently regret something that you have said? Nothing I have said lately. I do regret telling my sister to fuck off when I was like 15 or 16 years old.

15. Curse frequently when you get mad? Oh yeah. It's frightening.(see number 14 too)

16. Enjoy country music? Not so much

17. Enjoy jazz music? Sometimes.

18. Enjoy smoothies? I haven't had one in awhile. It was okay I guess.

19. Enjoy talking on the phone? No. I especially hate it when I have to call people. I have a "calling people on the phone" phobia!

20. Have a lot to learn? So much to learn.

21. Have a pet? No I have enough trouble remembering to feed my kids! ;)

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person? No

23. Have all your grandparents? No

24. Have at least one sibling? Yeah, I think I covered that earlier!!

25. Have been told that you are smart? Yes but that was by a dumb person.

26. Have a broken bone? No

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone? Yes! It's a necessity!!


28. Changed a diaper? I have 3 kids that pretty much makes me a diaper changing expert!(It's good to be an expert on SOMETHING!)

29. Changed a lot over the past year? Aside from going from being a mother of 2 to a mother of 3? Nah, I haven't changed much this past year.

30. Had friends who have never seen your natural hair colour? No I have never changed my natural hair color. It's always been this mousy brown color.

31. Had surgery?Yes, I had an appendectomy when I was 14 and my gall bladder removed back in 2005.

32. Killed another person? Seriously??? Of course not!!

33. Had your hair cut within the last week? No

34. Had the cops called on you? No


1. Slept in your bed beside you? My baby. It was cold last night so I brought her in bed with me.

2. Saw you cry? No one. I cry at night when everyone is asleep.

3. Went to the movies with you? My sisters and my parents. Actually the last time I went to the movies I went by myself!!

4. You went to the mall with? My daughters. All 3 of 'em. By myself. We saw that they had takend McDonalds out of the mall. My girls were not pleased. Chaos ensued. I need a month to recover!

5. You went to out to a restaurant dinner with? My dh and dd's.

6. You talked on the phone? My husband

7. Made you laugh? Something I read on the internet.


1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Neither. I toyed with the idea of piercing my eyebrow and belly button. Then I decided no one wants to see a pizza dough belly with a ring in it.

2. Be serious or be funny? I try to be funny. I like making people laugh.

3. Drink whole or skim milk? Skim

4. McDonald's or Wendy's? Wendy's

5. Punk or Goth? Neither. I went through a hip hop phase though.


1. Simple or complicated? So simple.

2. Gay? No. I think Halle Berry is hot though.

3. Hardcore? Hard core what?? Hard core Diet Dr Pepper drinker? Yep yep!! Hard core personality? Nah...


1. Flowers or candy? Flowers

2. Grey or black?Black

3. Color or Black and white photos? I like both types.

4. Lust or love? Both

5. Sunrise or sunset?Sunset

6. M&Ms or Skittles? M&Ms

8. Staying up late or waking up early?Staying up late. I hate mornings. I think I already mentioned that.


1. Sun or moon? Moon

2. Winter or Fall? Fall. I hate winter!! Don't even get me started!!

3. Left or right?Whichever way leads me to the best chocolate!!

4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends?Two best friends

5. Sun or rain? A little of both. Can't appreciate one without the other!

6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Chocolate

7. Vodka or Jack? Yes


1. What time is it? Now it's 3:29

2. Name? Not telling.

3. Nickname(s): Regina Filangi, Diet Dr Pepper(DDP)

4. Where are you? My own little world.

5. What is your birthdate? 2 weeks ago.

6. What do you want? A new car.

7. Where do you want to live? Somewhere warm.

8. How many kids do you want? I don't know yet. I have 3 right now. It's a debate it my head every day whether we should go for a boy or not.

9. What would you want to name a girl? Flora, Fauna, and Merriweather. Not really but I am not about to say my girls' real names.

10. What would you want to name a boy? Capt. Jack Sparrow

11. You want to get married? I am married!!

1. Nervous Habits: Biting my nails, giggling, turning red...

2. Are you double jointed? No

3. Can you roll your tongue? Yes

4. Can you raise one eyebrow? Yes

5. Can you cross your eyes?Yes

6. Do you make your bed daily? No

8. Which shoe goes on first? I like to switch it up. Who cares anyway!

9. Ever thrown a shoe at someone?Yes and I wish I could throw one at somebody now!!

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you?I usually have an empty wallet. So so sad.

11. What jewelry do you wear? Wedding ring, birthstone ring.

1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl

2. Have you ever ate a pound of SPAM? Gross. Come on! Who does that???

3. Favorite ice cream? Chocolate Chip Cookie dough.

4. How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? 3 I think.


1. Had a bf/gf? No

2. Bought something you didn't need? Yes

3. Sang in front of people? No

5. Been kissed: Oh yeah!!

6. Been hugged: Yes

7. Felt stupid: Oh hell. That's pretty much a daily occurence!

8. Missed someone:yes

9. Got drunk: I wish but I am still nursing.

10. Got high: Only on life!! ;)

11. Danced Crazy: Yes!

13. Cried: Yes

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