Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Feeling Better

Mentally and emotionally anyway. I now have a stupid stomach bug that just won't go away. I think I have a bunch of Kindergarteners to thank. My dd brought home the bug about a week ago and we've all had it now. Even the baby got a little of it. For some reason it's lagging on me a lot longer than it did them. It's getting on my nerves. I am a very whiny sick person. You can imagine what my family has had to put up with!

I am so ready for Spring. We got about 8 inches of pure evil, I mean snow, yesterday. I hate it. It's only pretty for like 5 seconds and then I remember that because of my fear of driving in the snow, I am stuck in the house. I guess I should get off my ass and do all the cleaning I have been putting off all week. Okay, I have been sick so I have and excuse. I'm still sick but I need to vacuum.

Gee don't ya wish you were a SAHM! My life is so exciting!! Bring on the Rum!! It's funny when I was a working mom I was desperate to be a SAHM. Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the argument.

If you want to know a secret, I still would rather be a SAHM. I realize that makes me a little backward but I can live with that! What I can't live with is going to work every day to a job I hate which is what I was doing before I made the switch. It would have been different if I had loved my job and trusted other people with my babies. I would so be a working mama right now! Alas I trust no one and I need to go back to school to get any job worth having so until I can do that, here I sit, with my wonderful dds, trying(and failing) to be June Cleaver. Hey I never said I was the perfect SAHM, I just said I liked it.

If you are wondering just what kind of SAHM I am here's little description:
~I cook........really bad food. Okay so I do make a mean lasagna but that takes a lot of time so I only make that every once in awhile. Hey it's been a while, maybe I will make that next week.
~I my leisure. But when I do clean I crank the stereo and really get this place sparkling!
~I do laundry......a lot actually! We finally live in a place where we have our own laundry room and we just got the coolest front loading washing machine and it's matching dryer. It's kind of fun or at least it will be until the novelty wears off. If you had told me 10 years ago that I would be excited about a washer and dryer purchase I would have told you you were fucking nuts!!
~I play games with my dds, I read to them, I rough house with them, I dance with them, I sing to them and with them(eesh), I count with them, we look for things that start with the letters of the alphabet.........I could go on and on. This last one is WHY I wanted to be home with my kids. Not the cooking, cleaning, and washing, but the hanging out with my girls, my favorite people in the world. Oh and the fact that I hated my job. Yeah that helped me want to do this too!

Sometimes I get a little lonely and feel a little isolated, which is normal! But I wouldn't trade it for anything. Life's too short, they're only this young for so long and every other cliche you can come up with.

Now seriously, bring on the Rum!!!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I'm glad that you're feeling better. I've been wondering how you're doing. I guess I should get my butt in gear and email you. I know you're a fantastic mom!!