Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Really Annoyed!!

I really hate what the church is doing to my younger, unmarried sisters. They don't see it or maybe they don't want to but it is messing with their self-worth.
They are in their early to mid 20's and unmarried and not even dating. They are in the process of finishing college.
When I was home visiting they had a moment where they were feeling sad and angry that they haven't married yet. They feel like they are getting old(WTF) and pretty soon no one will want them because they are older.
In this church, you are made to feel that if you are a woman and not married by the age of 20 then you are an old maid, a spinster. While most other women in the U.S. aren't getting married until 30 or even older why is it that they feel like this?? Why can't they feel happy that they are getting an education before getting married and having children.
It's because we were taught since birth, that the primary goal for women in the church was to become wives and mothers. If we didn't we aren't worth anything. If we choose to get an education and a good job before motherhood we are only doing it to gain material possessions and out of pure selfishness. No no no, it can't be because we want to gain self-esteem and marketable skills and an identity that isn't tied to the men or children in our life.
So anyway, my wonderful, smart, funny and beautiful sisters are feeling bad about themselves because they haven't scored themselves a RM and married him in the temple. They think they are getting old. Since when is 20 something old!! They feel like failures especially because all their friends have families already. I try to remind them that they probably have no money or free time either. They agree that is a good point but they really want to be married. They are sick of being thought of as the spinster sisters at church. They watch while everyone in their ward fall all over themselves to welcome the newlyweds or new parents to church while they are ignored.
I wish they would realize that they are terrific women in their own right, that they don't need a man to complete them. I want to cry because I hate seeing them so miserable. They are the greatest people I know and they would make wonderful wives and mothers but I really wish they knew that they can be wonderful without being those things too. I wish the fact that they are getting their education was enough for them right now. But I realize that as long as they believe in the church like they do they aren't going to truly see themselves until they are married. It breaks my heart.
I think they need to get the hell out of Utah. At the very least!!!

1 comment:

Simplicity said...

Are they married yet?