Monday, January 28, 2008

Mixed feelings

On the death of GBH. When I first heard I was a little sad. I find it weird that it hit me like that since I pretty much thought I was far enough removed from the church that it would be just like hearing that some other religious leader that I didn't have any connection to, died. I don't have any hate towards the man. I hope he is with his wife in heaven. I can say that because I still believe in heaven, not the one he taught about, but yeah, I believe in heaven. Am I silly? Ridiculous? Stupid? Maybe but I don't care.

I do find it weird though that this morning, before I even knew he had died, as I was walking downstairs to find socks, that I had the primary song "I Love to See the Temple" in my head. I don't know how it got there. I haven't heard that song in years! What a weird coininkidink!

RIP GBH!! See ya in heaven with my nonmember/nonwhite hubby and our nonmember/nonwhite children! I expect to be greeted with a glass of wine and a welcoming smile and a kind of goofy "Oops!" I have no ill will towards ya bro!!

1 comment:

love medicine said...

I felt the same sort of mixed reaction. I think I'm still processing how I feel since my leaving the church was so recent. i have been hearing "follow the prophet" in my head...blech.